
Thai boxing champion Buakaw retires

01 มิถุนายน 2555

His boxing camp was willing to give him 60% of fight fees & prize money & 75% of TV & product endorsement earnings, but not enough.

His boxing camp was willing to give him 60% of fight fees & prize money & 75% of TV & product endorsement earnings, but not enough.

Thai boxing champion Buakaw retires

In photo above Buakaw Por Pramuk in black beats Australia's Frankie Giorgi.

First photo below, he offers his apologies to Pramuk Rojanatan as both sides met to sort out their differences on May 22.

Second photo, he tells reporters of his decision to retire. The world famous Thai Fight champion said he could not agree on a new contract with his boxing camp.

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Buakaw calls it quits as dispute rages on

Kittipong Thongsombat

Thai boxing champion Buakaw retires

Buakaw Por Pramuk announced his retirement from Muay Thai yesterday after talks aimed at solving a financial dispute with the Por Pramuk boxing camp broke down.

The saga seemed to have reached a conclusion on May 22 when both parties made a deal that would allow the former K1 champion a bigger share of his fight fees as well as other income.

Under the agreement, Buakaw would receive 60 percent of fight fees and prize money and get 75 percent from other sources such as TV appearances and product endorsements.

But at yesterday's meeting to finalise the deal at the Sports Authority of Thailand (SAT) headquarters, Buakaw demanded full control of his commercial rights and 100 percent of any earnings.

Por Pramuk camp owner Pramuk Rojanatan refused to yield to his demands and as the discussions grew increasingly heated, the fighter surprised everyone by announcing his retirement.

"I want to announce that I will not fight anymore," said the 30-year-old Muay Thai superstar, who reportedly received 1.2 million baht per bout.

I am sorry to say that and I made this decision by myself.

Buakaw, whose real name is Sombat Banchamek, added that from now on he would focus on training young people at his Banchamek camp in his native province of Surin.

Thai boxing champion Buakaw retires

SAT deputy governor Sakol Wannapong said he felt sorry that both sides had failed to reach an agreement.

"It's all about money," he said.

Buakaw joined the Por Pramuk camp when he was nine but left in March after becoming frustrated with what he believed was his unfair treatment.

He then fought in a Thai Fight event in Pattaya last month without permission, a move that led to his camp suing both the boxer and the Thai Fight organisers.

(Source: Bangkok Post, Sports, MUAY THAI, Buakaw calls it quits as dispute rages on, 1/06/2012, Kittipong Thongsombat, link) 

Thai Boxing Vocabulary

Muay Thai - Thai boxing, makes use of punches, kicks, elbows and knee strikes มวยไทย (See Wikipedia)

Buakaw Por Pramuk -  "(Thai: บัวขาว บัญชาเมฆ, born May 8, 1982) is a retired Thai welterweight Muay Thai kickboxer, who formerly[1] fought out of Por. Pramuk Gym, in Bangkok, Thailand under the ring name Buakaw Por. Pramuk (Thai: บัวขาว ป.ประมุข). He is a former Omnoi Stadium champion and two time, 2004, 2006 K-1 World MAX champion" (See Wikipedia and YouTube)

quit - stop doing some activity or job
calls it quits - Same as "quits"

dispute - a fight or serious disagreement; an argument over some problem, a conflict การโต้เถียง, ความขัดแย้ง ข้อโต้แย้ง  ข้อพิพาท
dispute rages on - the serious dispute continues

Buakaw calls it quits as dispute rages on

retire - to stop playing a sport as a professional or serious player because you are too old or no longer have the desire อำลาวงการ
retirement - the time when you stop working, usually, but not always because you are officially too old to work เกษียณอายุ

negotiation -
when two sides talk together, each giving in something (compromise) to reach and agreement  การเจรจา,  การเจรจาต่อรอง

- negotiations, formal discussions of problems between different sides in a conflict in order to solve the problem
talks break down - negotiations fail and the sides cannot make agreement

Buakaw Por Pramuk announced his retirement from Muay Thai yesterday after talks aimed at solving a financial dispute with the Por Pramuk boxing camp broke down.

champion - an athlete or sports person who wins
contract - a written (or oral) agreement that is legally binding สัญญา

Muay Thai superstar Buakaw "Por Pramuk" Banchamek tells reporters of his decision to retire. The world famous Thai Fight champion said he could not agree on a new contract with his boxing camp.

saga - a long never-ending story, that goes on and on for years or even generations; a long complicated series of related usually negative events การเล่าอย่างยืดยาว
conclusion - the end of something; the final part of something สุดท้าย, อวสาน, จบ, สิ้นสุด, ยุติ, ข้อยุติ
reached at a conclusion
saga reached a conclusion

parties - people or companies entering into a business arrangement or deal
both parties made a deal

share (verb) - to have or use something at the same time as someone else ใช้ร่วมกัน
share (noun) - the part or percentage that you get from some abount of money received
a bigger share - to get more, a higher percentage of the amount

fees - money that you pay for something ค่าธรรมเนียม
fight fees - the money a person gets for a boxing match

income - money that people receive from work or some other source, used for household consumption and savings
product endorsements - when a famous person promotes a product (in advertisements and TV commercials, etc)

The saga seemed to have reached a conclusion on May 22 when both parties made a deal that would allow the former K1 champion a bigger share of his fight fees as well as other income. Under the agreement, Buakaw would receive 60 percent of fight fees and prize money and get 75 percent from other sources such as TV appearances and product endorsements.

finalise the deal - making the final agreement and contract (add the last details, signing a document)
meeting - when a group of people come together to discuss issues and make decisions การประชุม
meeting to finalize the deal

headquarters - the place where an organisation or company has its main offices กองบัญชาการ สำนักงานใหญ่
commercial - for business purposes
- what the law allows you to have and do สิทธิ์  (See Wikipedia)

commercial rights - when the law allows you to make money from something
demanded full control of his commercial rights

But at yesterday's meeting to finalise the deal at the Sports Authority of Thailand (SAT) headquarters, Buakaw demanded full control of his commercial rights and 100 percent of any earnings.

yield - to give up the control of or responsibility for something, often because you have been forced to ยอมให้
- the things that someone is asking you to do
yield to demands - finally do what people want you to do (after at first saying  "no" and resisting)

- saying no, that you will not do something
refuse to yield to demands

heated discussions -
having an emotional argument (angry and upset)
discussions grew increasingly heated

bout -
one fight, one boxing match event

- the main thing you are concerned with ให้ความสำคัญ
training - to teach people how to do an activity or job การฝึกฝน
focus on training young people

- someone who was born in a particular place ชาวพื้นเมือง
native province - the province you are born in
his native province of Surin

Por Pramuk camp owner Pramuk Rojanatan refused to yield to his demands and as the discussions grew increasingly heated, the fighter surprised everyone by announcing his retirement. I want to announce that I will not fight anymore," said the 30-year-old Muay Thai superstar, who reportedly received 1.2 million baht per bout.  I am sorry to say that and I made this decision by myself. Buakaw, whose real name is Sombat Banchamek, added that from now on he would focus on training young people at his Banchamek camp in his native province of Surin.

deputy - a person who is given the power to do something instead of another person, or the person whose rank is immediately below that of the leader of an organisation รอง, ตัวแทน,ผู้รักษาการแทน
deputy governor

reach an agreement
failed to reach an agreement

both sides
both sides failed to reach an agreement

SAT deputy governor Sakol Wannapong said he felt sorry that both sides had failed to reach an agreement. "It's all about money," he said.

frustrated - feeling annoyed and impatient because you are prevented from achieving something ผิดหวัง,ท้อแท้ใจมาก  หงุดหงิดใจ

unfair treatment

frustrated with unfair treatment

Buakaw joined the Por Pramuk camp when he was nine but left in March after becoming frustrated with what he believed was his unfair treatment.

permission - allowing someone to do something การอนุญาต,การอนุมัติ,การยินยอม
fought without permission

He then fought in a Thai Fight event in Pattaya last month without permission, a move that led to his camp suing both the boxer and the Thai Fight organisers.

apologies - statements say you are sorry for something you have done คำขอโทษ
offers his apologies

differences - not agree about things
sort out their differences - end disagreement (finally agree about things after disagreeing)

Buakaw Por Pramuk, left, offers his apologies to Pramuk Rojanatan as both sides met to sort out their differences on May 22.