
Police chief stands firm, Chalerm walks out

27 ธันวาคม 2554

Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubamrung usually gets what he wants, but apparently not when national police chief Pol Gen Priewpan Damapong is involved.

Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubamrung usually gets what he wants, but apparently not when national police chief Pol Gen Priewpan Damapong is involved.

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Police chief stands firm, Chalerm walks out

National police chief Pol Gen Priewpan Damapong and Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubamrung and have always seemed to have a very good relationship, but that may be changing. SURAPOL PROMSAKA NA SAKOLNAKORN

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Chalerm walks out as Priewpan won't budge

Post Reporters

Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubamrung stormed out of a 15-hour meeting at the Police Commission yesterday after failing to secure the transfers of two top commanders.

Mr Chalerm, who chaired the meeting, stormed out after national police chief Pol Gen Priewpan Damapong refused to make major changes to the reshuffle list.

Mr Chalerm was said to be lobbying for the removal of Crime Suppression Division (CSD) chief Pol Maj Gen Supisarn Phakdinaruenart and Economic Crime Division (ECD) chief Pol Maj Gen Kowit Wongrungroj. Both divisions are under the direct command of the Central Investigative Bureau (CIB).

At the end of the marathon meeting, the Police Commission finally approved the reshuffle of 235 positions from commander to deputy commissioner-level without any major changes in top posts.

The meeting began at 1.30pm on Dec 25 and ended at 4am yesterday.

A source said the meeting went on so long was because almost every proposed appointment was decided by a vote.

The most controversial ones involving the CSD and the ECD took three hours.

Pol Gen Priewpan stepped out of the boardroom several times to talk with CIB commissioner Pol Lt Gen Pongpat Chayaphan, who had the authority to make proposals, and other officers.

At about 3.30am, Pol Gen Priewpan returned to the meeting to tell Mr Chalerm that Pol Lt Gen Pongpat remained adamant that the two posts should remain unchanged.

The national police chief also refused to exert his own power to make changes in favour of the deputy prime minister.

Mr Chalerm still insisted on the changes and abruptly left when his demands were rejected again. The meeting continued for another 10 minutes before it was adjourned.

stand firm – to refuse to change your opinion or policy despite pressure from other people
refuse to budge – to refuse to change your mind  ไม่ยอมเปลี่ยนใจ
deputy – a person whose rank is immediately below that of the leader of an organisation รอง
storm out – to leave quickly and in an angry, noisy way ออกไปอย่างโกรธ
commission – an official group of people who have been given responsibility to control something, or to find out about something, usually for the government  คณะกรรมการ, คณะกรรมาธิการ
secure – to get or achieve something ได้รับ, ทำให้ได้ผล
transfer – to change someone’s job or responsibilities โยกย้ายตำแหน่ง
commander – a police offer of high rank ผู้บังคับบัญชา
reshuffle – the process of changing the jobs or responsibilities of people in a particular group or organisation การปรับหรือโยกย้ายตำแหน่งคนในองค์กร
lobby – to try to influence someone, e.g., a politician, government official or the government itself ชักชวน, วิ่งเต้น
removal – taking something or someone away from somewhere, or off something การย้ายออก, การเคลื่อนย้ายได้, การถอนออก
suppression – stopping an activity from happening, in this case, criminal activity  การปราบปราม
Central Investigative Bureau – the national coordinating headquarters assisting provincial and metropolitan police in preventing and suppressing criminal activity กองบัญชาการตำรวจสอบสวนกลาง
marathon – of something that takes a long time to accomplish  ที่ยาวนาน
post – a job in a company or organisation ตำแหน่งการงาน
source – someone who gives information แหล่งข่าว
proposed – suggested as an idea for a group to consider ถูกเสนอ
appointment – when someone is officially chosen for a job การแต่งตั้ง
controversial – causing disagreement or disapproval ความไม่ลงรอยกัน
authority – power อำนาจ
adamant – determined not to change  your belief or decision about something  ยืนกราน
exert power – to use your power ใช้อำนาจ
in favour of – supporting a person or an idea, proposal etc that you believe is right สนับสนุน
insist – to say very firmly that something must happen or must be done ยืนกราน
abruptly – suddenly and unexpectedly, and often unpleasant อย่างกะทันหัน
demand – a very firm request for something ข้อเรียกร้อง, การเรียกร้อง
reject – to not agree with a request, offer or proposal ปฏิเสธ ไม่ยอมรับ
adjourn – to temporarily end something such as a meeting or a trial ปิด (ประชุม)