
Traffic police: Less checkpoints, more law enforcement

16 สิงหาคม 2555

Police will change road checkpoints to make traffic flow more smoothly & enforce important traffic laws.

Police will change road checkpoints to make traffic flow more smoothly & enforce important traffic laws.

Traffic police: Less checkpoints, more law enforcement
In photo above, Bangkok traffic police take photographs of drivers breaking traffic laws producing photographic evidence of the traffic violation. In this case, a driver was talking on a mobile phone without using a hands-free device. Motorists caught violating this traffic law had to pay a fine.

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Police shelve daytime road checkpoints


Bangkok police have suspended conducting road checkpoints during the day to avoid causing traffic gridlock, says the Metropolitan Police Bureau..

Pol Maj Gen Worasak Nopsitthiporn, deputy Bangkok police chief who supervises traffic affairs, said city police would instead operate checkpoints after 9pm.

Police will not set up more than one nighttime checkpoint on the same road.

They must also help move traffic along after they open a checkpoint, to reduce congestion on the road, he said.

The priority at checkpoints will be to police traffic laws such as drink-driving, road racing, cutting in, failure to wear a crash helmet, double parking, parking violations, parking on footpaths, driving on footpaths and failure to attach licence plates in their proper places on vehicles.

But police will be lenient on the licence plate offence because of the current shortage of plates at the Land Transport Department.

As the number of road checkpoints is limited, police and traffic volunteers will use cameras to record traffic violations.

They will also use pen cameras and button cameras for the same purpose.

The technology will help police in producing photographic evidence of traffic violations, Pol Maj Gen Worasak said.

For motorists who commit minor offences, police will first issue warning tickets and impose heavy fines only when they repeat the offence.

(Source: Bangkok Post, Local News, CITY, Police shelve daytime road checkpoints, 16/08/2012, link

Traffic Law Enforcement Vocabulary

traffic - the number traveling to a place during a period of time (people, aircraft, ships, trains, cars, trucks, etc.) ความหนาแน่นของจำนวนคน หรือยานพาหนะในช่วงเวลาใดช่วงเวลาหนึ่ง

traffic - transportation, transit, people going from one place to another การจราจร (See Wikipedia)
traffic jam -   การจราจรติดขัด

traffic police - ตำรวจจราจร
traffic light -    ไฟจราจร
traffic circle -

gridlock - when there are many cars on the road so they cannot move, a traffic jam 
traffic gridlock - Same as "traffic jam"

enforcement (noun) - the process of making sure people follow and obey rules and laws
law enforcement - what the police do, find people who are breaking the law and bring them to court to be tried and punished if found guilty (See Wikipedia)

traffic law - the law of the road for cars and other vehicles as well as people walking (pedestrians) and bicycling (See Wikipedia)
traffic law enforcement

enforce (verb) -
making sure that people follow and obey rules and laws
enforce traffic laws

police traffic laws -
Same as "enforce traffic laws"

checkpoint - a place where people are stopped and questioned and vehicles are examined, especially at a border between two countries ด่านตรวจ
road checkpoints
daytime road checkpoints

shelve - stop or end some project or activity  
police shelve daytime road checkpoints

conducting - officially doing something (example: the police conducted searches of the drug suspects)
conducting road checkpoints

suspended - stopped for a period of time (temporarily)
suspended conducting road checkpoints during the day

Bangkok police have suspended conducting road checkpoints during the day to avoid causing traffic gridlock, says the Metropolitan Police Bureau..

deputy - a person who is given the power to do something instead of another person, or the person whose rank is immediately below that of the leader of an organisation รอง, ตัวแทน,ผู้รักษาการแทน

affairs - events and activities relating to the government, politics, economy etc of a country, region, or the world ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างประเทศ
traffic affairs

supervise - to watch over a group of people doing  some job, task or activity and to make sure there are no problems
supervises traffic affairs

operate checkpoints
operate checkpoints after 9pm

Pol Maj Gen Worasak Nopsitthiporn, deputy Bangkok police chief who supervises traffic affairs, said city police would instead operate checkpoints after 9pm.

set up - make and prepare something or operate and be used (example: the equipment took two days to set up before it could be used)
set up checkpoint
nighttime checkpoint

Police will not set up more than one nighttime checkpoint on the same road.

move traffic along - when cars can drive on roads (not sitting in traffic jam for a long time without moving)
help move traffic along

congestion - crowded with people or vehicles (in a small space) (example: a traffic jam is car congestion) แน่นขนัดไปด้วยรถหรือคน
reduce congestion

They must also help move traffic along after they open a checkpoint, to reduce congestion on the road, he said.

priority - something important that must be done first;  needs more attention than anything else การให้ลำดับความสำคัญ สี่งที่สำคัญเป็นลำดับแรก การมาก่อน
priority at checkpoints

drink-driving - the crime of driving when you drink alcohol (beyond a certain amount)
road racing

cut in - 
going to the front of a line and entering (not entering the end of the line and waiting like everyone else)

- a strong hard hat that covers and protects the head หมวกกันน็อก
failure to wear a crash helmet

- to become twice as big, twice as much or twice as many เพิ่มเป็นสองเท่า
double parking - when two cars are parked together on side of street with one blocking the road

- breaking a law
parking violations -
breaking parking laws (parking in places where you are not allowed to park)

parking on footpaths
driving on footpaths

- an official document that gives someone permission to do or use something ใบอนุญาต
plate -  a thin piece of metal
plates - the metal plate on the front and back of the car that shows the cars number

- right, correct (not in error)
proper place - the right and correct place to put something

- machines with an engine used to carry people or goods from place to place ยานพาหนะ

failure to attach licence plates in their proper places on vehicles

The priority at checkpoints will be to police traffic laws such as drink-driving, road racing, cutting in, failure to wear a crash helmet, double parking, parking violations, parking on footpaths, driving on footpaths and failure to attach licence plates in their proper places on vehicles.

lenient - not strict; not giving someone as strong a punishment as you could ลงโทษสถานเบา หรือให้ความเมตตา
offence - a crime or illegal activity for which there is a punishment การกระทำผิดกฎหมายหรือข้อบังคับ การกระทำความผิด

lenient on the licence plate offence

- of the present time ปัจจุบัน
shortage -  there is not enough of something การขาดแคลน
current shortage

But police will be lenient on the licence plate offence because of the current shortage of plates at the Land Transport Department.

volunteers - people working without (for a good cause, helping people)
traffic volunteers

record - the best or most ever achieved สถิติ
use cameras to record traffic violations

As the number of road checkpoints is limited, police and traffic volunteers will use cameras to record traffic violations. They will also use pen cameras and button cameras for the same purpose.

evidence - information that shows and proves something to be true หลักฐาน information that is used in court to try to prove something หลักฐานประกอบการไต่สวนคดี หรือพิจารณาคดี

photographic evidence
photographic evidence of traffic violations

The technology will help police in producing photographic evidence of traffic violations, Pol Maj Gen Worasak said.

minor - not the most important or largest เล็กน้อย
minor offence
commit minor offence

repeat the offence

motorists -
people driving a car or another vehicle on a road
motorists who commit minor offences

issue -
officially give something to someone
issue warning tickets

impose - to force someone to accept something กำหนด,บังคับ to introduce something such as a new law or new system and require people to accept it การกำหนด
impose heavy fines

impose heavy fines only when they repeat the offence

For motorists who commit minor offences, police will first issue warning tickets and impose heavy fines only when they repeat the offence.