
Young people: No jobs

16 ตุลาคม 2555

No jobs for young people in the areas they studied at school may lead to unhappiness & serious social problems in the future.

No jobs for young people in the areas they studied at school may lead to unhappiness & serious social problems in the future.

Young people: No jobs

Teargas being used to breakup gatherings of youth during the Arab Spring protests.

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The jobs time bomb

Rising youth unemployment could endanger Asia’s social stability
Nithi Kaveevivitchai

Asia must come to grips soon with the growing number of unemployed young people or it risks increasing social problems or even violence, as witnessed in cities in Europe and throughout the Arab world, say labour specialists

"Seventy-five million youth, under the age of 24, across the world are currently unemployed — with almost half of them in Asia,” says John B. Trew, a youth employment specialist at Plan International

This is a very critical problem for the region which may pose a threat to stable development of these emerging economies. Some actions have to be taken now and everyone must see this as a shared responsibility rather than an individualistic concern.

According to the UN International Labour Organization, the unemployment rate among people under 24 remained high at 12.6% last year and the total was expected to reach 95 million worldwide in 2015. Of this number, 14% will be in Southeast Asia countries alone.

The ILO figures are just the tip of the iceberg. In many countries, underemployment among young people is a bigger problem than outright joblessness. Millions of young people can only find work sporadically, or they’re working at jobs far below the skill levels for which they were trained.

Since the global financial crisis in 2008, both developed countries and developing countries have witnessed a pronounced rise in youth unemployment rates, while vast numbers of young people working much below their capacities could become a problem for society.

"Youth unemployment is correlated with social problems such as crime, vandalism and drugs. Small demonstrations later could lead to social unrest which therefore creates instability for the whole society,”....
Once unemployed youths have been searching for work for 12-18 months.... hopelessness sets in and many of them are unlikely to get back on their desired career path again...

...In some cases, employers don’t get involved in vocational training as much as they should. As well, many governments fail to reflect the results of labour market surveys in education policy.

The success of REACH, a dynamic NGO in Vietnam, is a good example of how to create strong links between vocational training and employers. It blends job skills training with life skills and work readiness, bridging the gap between the demand for skilled and professional employees. It has trained about 7,000 young people, more than 80% of whom have found jobs. The participants are taught practical, hands-on skills, trained and mentored by industry professionals.

...“If no serious action is taken at this stage, in five to 10 years’ time, youth joblessness in Asia will pose an unavoidable crisis to the region.

(Source: Bangkok Post, Economics, The jobs time bomb, Rising youth unemployment could endanger Asia’s social stability, 15/10/2012, Nithi Kaveevivitchai, link)

time bomb - a bomb that will explode at some time in the future
youth - a boy or a young man เด็กหนุ่ม, วัยรุ่น
unemployed (adjective) - not having a job ซึ่งว่างงาน
unemployment (noun) - not having a job
rate - อัตรา
unemployment rate - the percentage of people looking for a  job who cannot get a job 
endanger - to put into danger ทำอันตราย ทำให้ตกอยู่ในอันตราย
stability - a situation in which things happen as they should and there are no harmful changes; when something is not likely to move or change ความมั่นคง, เสถียรภาพ
come to grips with - accept that you have a problem and start taking action to solve the problem
violence - physical force with the deliberate intention of causing damage to property or injury or death to people ความรุนแรง
witnessed - seen

critical - extremely important because a future situation will be affected by it สำคัญยิ่ง
critical - saying that someone or something is bad or wrong ที่ชอบจับผิด
pose - cause something, especially a problem or difficulty เป็นเหตุให้
threat - a danger อันตราย
pose a threat - creates a danger
stable - not changing frequently and not likely to suddenly become worse  คงที่, มั่นคง
individualistic - something that you just do by yourself (without thinking about whether other people are hurt or helped by it)  
concern - a worry ความกังวล
just the tip of the iceberg - this is just a small part of a much bigger problem that is difficult to see (like the danger of an iceberg under the water)
outright - completely; 100%
sporadically - happening sometimes but not often (from time to time, not all the time)

global - throughout the world ทั่วโลก  เกี่ยวกับโลก
crisis - an urgent, difficult or dangerous situation  วิกฤตการณ์ วิกฤต
global financial crisis
vast - extremely large in area, size, amount, etc.  มหึมา มหาศาล กว้างใหญ่ ส่วนใหญ่
capacities - abilities; things you are able to do
correlated - connected; linked
vandalism - the crime of intentionally damaging property belonging to other people การทำลายทรัพย์สินโดยเฉพาะของรัฐอย่างไร้เหตุผล
demonstrations - protests
instability - a situation that keeps changing, so that you are worried about what might happen ความไม่มั่นคง
hopelessness - when there is no hope (when the future looks to be bad)

vocational - teaching the skills necessary for particular jobs  การสอนวิชาชีพ
reflect - to show สะท้อน แสดงถึง
policy - a set of plans or action agreed on by a government, political party, business, or other group นโยบาย
dynamic - having a lot of ideas and enthusiasm; energetic and forceful จรวิสัย
links - connections ความเชื่อมโยงกัน
blends - mixtures (two or more things mixed together)
readiness (noun) - being ready for events to happen (example: fire fighters need to have 24 hour a day readiness)
gap - a large difference between people or groups ช่องว่าง
bridging the gap between
skilled and professional employees
participants - people actually doing some activity (not just watching or reading about it) 
practical - suitable for the situation in which something is used ที่ขึ้นอยู่กับความเป็นจริง
hands-on skills - knowing how to do things from experience doing it (not just reading in books)
mentored by - guided by an experienced person (as a practical teacher)
industry professionals - people working in a certain industry who have gained a lot of knowledge through experience
stage - a particular point in time during a process or set of events ระยะเวลา ช่วงเวลา จังหวะเวลา
unavoidable - impossible to stop from happening หลีกเลี่ยงไม่ได้  อย่างเลี่ยงไม่ได้