
Loso oh so 'sorry'

18 ธันวาคม 2554

It Sunday, so its a good day to get away from politics or crime and see what's making news in the Bangkok Post celebrity gossip column. Today, Thai rocker Sek Losu gets the top place.

It Sunday, so its a good day to get away from politics or crime and see what's making news in the Bangkok Post celebrity gossip column. Today, Thai rocker Sek Losu gets the top place.

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Loso oh so \'sorry\'

Paiboon Damrongchaitham and Sek Loso.

Click button to listen to Loso and rightclick to download

Loso oh so 'sorry'

Mea Moo

Loso oh so \'sorry\'

Sek Loso and Wipakorn ‘Kan’ Sukpimai.

Grammy Entertainment is appealing for public sympathy for its rocker Sek Loso, as he battles allegations of drug-taking.

Grammy chairman Paiboon Damrongchaitham says he has yet to meet Sek since his former wife accused him of taking drugs.

"He has called to say sorry for causing so much fuss, but we have yet to meet for a chat," he said. Grammy called in Sek for a meeting on Tuesday, but the rocker, who is touring in the Northeast, failed to show.

Sek was dealing with some personal problems, and the public should give him a break.

"He is probably having trouble coping with a saga as big as this," he said, adding that Grammy regarded itself as a family, and Sek as one member of it.

Sek's estranged wife, Wiphakorn "Kan" Sukpimai set everything off when she published pictures on Facebook of someone resembling Sek, allegedly smoking methamphetamines.

On her Facebook page, Kan accused Sek of throwing herself and their three children out of their home, breaching the terms of a separation agreement, mistreating her physically and mentally, and smoking drugs in front of the children.

She said last week her children do not want her to get back together with their father. "They say I've forgiven him too many times already. I'm taking their advice. It's too late for us to start again, as Sek has another woman in his life.

"I'm not giving him custody. If he wants to raise children, he'll have to start again with the other woman. However, he's free to contact the children any time he likes," she said.

Meanwhile, Sek has left a message for the young woman he claims as his new girlfriend, urging her to admit publicly they are seeing each other.

A day after Kan opened her salvo against Sek on Facebook, Sek replied saying he was now seeing someone else. He identified her as model Prangchat "Pan" Phipatwirawat, 22.

He also referred to his dispute with Kan, joking that a man with many wives can only expect such trouble occasionally.

Pan and her mother, however, denied she was seeing Sek.

Sek has also criticised his former wife at a concert in Khon Kaen. Performing at a Red Cross fair, Sek spoke to the audience at the end of songs he was performing, referring to his marital and drug problems, gossip rag Siam Dara said.

"I have many wives, and love them all. I promise to look after them all," he said at the end of one song. On another occasion: "My wife is no good. She's hurt my reputation. But I hold no grudges, and will carry on looking after her and the kids just as before."

And: "The picture of me which appears in the media is no good. Teenagers should not emulate me on any account."

appeal – to make an urgent request for people to do something or behave in a particular way ร้องขอ
sympathy – a natural feeling of kindness and understanding that you have for someone who is experiencing something very unpleasant ความเห็นอกเห็นใจ
allegation – an accusation; a statement that someone has done something wrong or illegal even though this has not been proved ข้อกล่าวหา
yet to meet – have not met yet ยังไม่ได้เจอกัน
fuss – a lot of unnecessary worry or excitement about something ความอึกทึก, ความเอะอะ
personal – your own; not belonging to or connected with anyone else  ส่วนตัว
the public – people in general ประชาชน, สาธารณชน, มหาชน
give someone a break – to give somebody a chance; to not judge somebody too severely ให้โอกาส
cope – to deal successfully with a difficult situation  รับมือกับ
saga – a long complicated series of related usually negative events การเล่าอย่างยืดยาว
estranged – no longer living with your husband or wife แยกกันอยู่
resemble – to be like or look like someone or something else มีลักษณะคล้ายกับ
allegedly – stated without giving complete proof ที่ถูกกล่าวหา
methamphetamine – a stimulant drug that increases alertness and energy, but which is dangerous when taken in large amounts or over a long period of time ยาบ้า
breach – to fail to follow a law or rule ละเมิดกฎข้อบังคับ
terms – conditions; requirements  ข้อกำหนด
separation – a decision that a husband and wife make to live apart while they are still legally married การแยกกันอยู่
mistreat – to treat someone in an unfair or cruel way การทารุณกรรม
forgive – to stop feeling angry with somebody who has done something to harm, annoy or upset you ยกโทษให้, อภัยให้
advice – an opinion or a suggestion about what somebody should do in a particular situation  คำแนะนำ
custody –  the legal right to look after a child สิทธิในการดูแลเด็ก
meanwhile – at the same time ในเวลาเดียวกัน
claim – to say that something is true although it has not been proved and other people may not believe it อ้าง
admit – to agree that something is true, especially when you are unhappy, sorry or surprised about it  ยอมรับ
salvo – a sudden attack; the act of firing several guns or dropping several bombs, etc. at the same time  การระดมยิง
identify – to specify who someone is  ระบุชื่อ
dispute – a serious disagreement  ข้อโต้แย้ง
occasionally – sometimes, but not frequently or regularly บางครั้งบางคราว
deny – to say that you did not do something that someone has accused you of doing ปฏิเสธ
criticise – to say that you disapprove of somebody/something; to say what you do not like or think is wrong about somebody/something วิจารณ์, ติเตียน,จับผิด
marital – connected with marriage or with the relationship between a husband and wife  เกี่ยวกับการแต่งงาน
gossip – conversation or reports about other people's private lives which might be unkind, disapproving or not true การนินทา, เรื่องซุบซิบ
rag – a newspaper that you believe to be of low quality หนังสือพิมพ์ที่มีคุณภาพต่ำ (คำไม่เป็นทางการ)
reputation – the opinion people have about how good or bad someone or something is ชื่อเสียง
grudge – a feeling of anger towards someone because they have done something to you that does not seem right or fair ความบาดหมาง, ความไม่พอใจ, ความคับข้องใจ
media – newspapers, television, radio, etc. สื่อ
emulate – to try to do something as well as somebody else because you admire them เลียนแบบเพื่อให้เท่าเทียมหรือเหนือกว่าคนอื่น